Anton – Children’s Series
The official descriptions of the Anton Series usually talk about a seemingly ordinary 7-year old boy and his friends. And how the fantasy world he creates for himself and his horse stick, makes him special.
What REALLY makes these shorts so special!

It’s not just another simple row of stories. Without spoken words – so it can be watched by children anywhere in the world, without any language barrier – the stories of Anton are about issues children at that age encounter and will immediately recognise. Being bullied at school, not wanting to go camping because of bed wetting, etc. Of course, many of the stories are light hearted, but some of them touch taboo and immediately take the pain out it. And in my opinion – THAT is why every child should have access to this great animation series. That’s why Børge and Joanika wrote and storyboarded them. What Afilm did with it afterwards, that is entirely another story.

Anne-Mieke Bovelett – Ring

Episode: Flower – Indians